
Friday, November 30, 2012


happy friday! what i am doing now? i don't have class and's a pretty tense week and I'm having my time for blogging just a little time..from now on i will try to write in english to improve my english writing, correct me if i'm wrong. i love the gossip girl tv series, well, i'm not really watch it in tv but i do have their downloaded series. it's pretty fun to watch the manhattan scandalous life. yeah, i don't think that i can adapt with their glamorous life but, this show showed to me how they learn from mistakes and how to survive in a glamorous life without being somebody else. just be you. their friendship also amazed me.

i remembered how i was to be someone else. it's kind of pressure when you are entering the bigger crowd with a lots of people want to see the best from you. then i meet this beautiful young lady who is way more perfect than me. we used to be friends somehow, but she always want to win. she's beauty with a brain. she can manipulate the situation just to achieve what she wants. me? maybe i just like to be me, but it turns out somehow i would like to overshadow her. somehow i would like to be her. always win. my mistakes is i don't have power of networking. but she have. and it turns out she's not talking to me until now. i'm wondering somehow but i chose to live with what i have at that time. but then i realized, i have something more powerful than her. a friendship. i got friends which is way more better than her. and she? lots of people be friends with her just for the benefits that they can get. doubt me i'm wrong. but you'll see one day. when you have nothing anymore. i don't own any revenge on her. truthfully, i'm talking about the reality that people around you will go away when you are nothing. but, let's just hope that it won't happen on her.

your beauty is like a flower, it will fade when the time is come

fading flower..fading flower...i used to think of her when i heard this song. again, it's a meaningful song yunalis!! i dedicated this Fading Flower to all queen bees!! have a great weekend everyone!

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