
Monday, December 31, 2012


few hours till the 010113..happy new year everyone. macam orang lain, saye pon nk review balik apa yang sy dah lakukan sepanjang 2012.


Of course, the most remembrance moment in January is how is used to knew some people yang banyak memberi kebahagiaan dalam hidup saya. It felt like years to know them, walaupon baru kejap. They are like a miracle in my life. Bersama mereka, saya create banyak azam baru untuk dilakukan, dan antara yang telah berjaya dilaksanakan ialah "BERAMAL KEBAJIKAN DI RUMAH SINAR SALAM." Walaupon saya tak dapat meneruskan lagi aktiviti ni atas kedudukan geografi sy skrg yg jaoh, sy tetap bersyukur kerana pernah mengenali dan memahami kehidupan insan-insan di sana. I really do hope to give more khidmat bakti selepas ini.

It's a farewell to UniKL. Yeah, got offer from UiTM and I accept it. To accept the offer made me to think many times as I really like to stay. But, He planned well for me. Lahaulawala kuwwata illa billah. Sesungguhnya, tiada daya upayaku melainkan dengan ketentuan Engkau, Ya Allah.

New face, new place, new surrounding. Memang byk yg terjadi masa mule2 nak daftar dulu. Aku survive pegi sane pegi sini sorang2. Masa tu x jumpe geng lagi. Memang semua benda aku buat sendiri. Tapi as time goes by, I knew many friends and semuanya baik-baik dan satu kepala belake. Alhamdulillah.

I joined the MBSS in UM. Really enjoy the events there. As a business student bila dapat peluang jumpa dengan biz student dari u lain memang gempak la kan. I give credit to UM's organizer sebab dapat buat event yang gempak. I do hope yang one day sy dan kawan2 boleh buat event segempak event diorang.

Paling ingat ialah when i organize the birthday party to my sister, Kak Nad. Punyalah pulun cari idea camane nak prank die sume. Idea asal aku, aku nak invite beberapa kawan terdekat untuk datang and the party is in white. Kitorang lewatkan sikit date nye dan party tu disambut di Redbox Sogo. Aku 'upah' sorang kawan aku yang Kak Nad confirm tak kenal nombor die untuk call die dan tanye pasal trust fund as Kak Nad punye bidang kerja is unit trusts. Set date and time untuk jumpa, plan aku mengena sebab Kak Nad setuju utk dtg. Things went through beyond my expectation. Turn out x ramai yang dapat dtg and the birthday girl seems not suprised with the prank. How dare you kakak! But, at the end it all ends well and another memory was created.

Bday boy pulak. Memang dah lama nak belikan dia raket tenis sebab dia memang suke main tenis. Dah lame dah usha raket tu dan I really hope yg die akan suke. When the days come, I gave the present and he said, "Eh, sy baru je beli raket tenis aritu, awak dah bagi," Okay, fooiiinnee! sesungguhnya, I'm not really good at giving suprises. Sad.

My birthday. Which, I'm not too excited to share it. Ahha.

Ramadhan and intersesi. Sangat bertuah sebab dapat lecturer yang berjaya memahamkan saya subjek yang dipelajari. Terima kasih Sir Azham!

New semester. New intake. And I am one of the faci. Really have a good times with the new faces of D'Ents. And, one of my besties Ela got engaged. And, the most shocking thing was my dad's accidents. Alhamdulillah, nothing bad happen to him.

My uncle died. A month after my dad's accident. I still remember the last time I saw him when he came to visit my dad. He's the one who recite the do'a selamat for my family. Alfatihah untuk Mohd Yusof bin Hasanon.

Sad things happened for the past two months. And this month brought a joy to family. We went Icity, spent time together. Only one word can described how happy we were at that time, JOYFULLNESS. Alhamdulillah.

This thing was never on my plan in 2012. Kursus kahwin. It just happened and alhamdulillah, everything goes well and yeah, here I am, spending the last few hours to 2012 with books and notes. I'm having final examination this January. Hopefully, I will do my best in this exam. Insyallah. 

I close my chapter of 2012 with another lessons to learn. 2012 in conclusion is my tahun rezeki. Tahun yang membahagiakan dan ada yang mendukakan. Whatever it is, semuanya memberi terlalu banyak pengertian untukku. Semoga tahun yang mendatang memberi lebih banyak pengertian lagi.

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